The Polished Teacher is having such a fun linky party and I'm excited to link up with her! Here are the A-Z of teacher me...
A is for App- My favorite app is Class Dojo. Nothing makes a talkative class walk down the hall without a peep than a teacher with Class Dojo on her phone screen. They are scared to death of getting a negative point! Parents receive reports every Friday showing positive and negative behavior for the week.
B is for book character- I love Strega Nona! Tomie dePaola is my favorite children's author. I would love to shake his hand!
D is for dollar spot find- Love these!
F is for font- Anything from Kevin and Amanda (smiley monster is one of my faves)
G is for game- My students love Farkle!
H is for holiday- Memorial Day (LOL! It means summer break is right around the corner- is that bad?)
I is for ice cream- French Silk from Edy's, mmmmmm......
J is for jewelry- I'm not one for flashy jewelry, so I have my staples: diamond earrings, Tiffany heart tag bracelet.
K is for kid-ism-I love to give my favorite book characters their own voice, especially Junie B. One day while reading a picture book a student wildly waved her hand and excitedly exclaimed that the character sounded just like Junie B. and wondered if they could be related. How sweet!
L is for location for travel- Right now I would have to say China since I will be going there this summer.
M is for management technique- When I absolutely can't get my students quiet (and I refuse to raise my voice) I simply put my pointer finger on the tip of my nose. Students know immediately to do the same. It is them obvious who is talking and not paying attention!
N is for nail polish- Depends on my mood but anything from OPI. I love the names!!
O is for open house idea- We always have students come to school the evening before the first day to drop off all their school supplies. I have a post-card or poem with a few goodies on their desks to welcome them to my class.
P is for Pinterest find- My students loved doing this activity this year!
Q is for quote- I love this quote! It motivates me!
R is for read aloud- Any Strega Nona book! I love to do my Italian accent!
S is for school supply- My chart markers!
T is for TpT/TN product- Right now my students are loving this book report project from Mr. Hughes. Check out his blog and other Dodecahedron projects at An Educator's Life.
U is for unofficial hobby- I love to paint furniture! In my next life I will own my own studio/shop where I can paint and create all day long!
V is for video brain-break- We don't really have a video brain break, however when my students get restless I have them "stand up, reach high, touch your feet, make a twist, now take your seat".
W is for way to spend a day off- relaxing with my family.
X is for x-tra special blogs to me- I couldn't even begin to choose!!
Y is for yummy dessert- see I is for ice cream
Z is for zoo animal- ??? does a dog count?
Head over and link up! I'd love to read your A-Z!

ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome posting!
Thanks for the shout out. I am SO pleased that your kiddos are loving the Book Report Dodecahedrons. Wahoo! I am your newest follower. :)
I love those mini erasers from the Dollar Spot! My kiddos are obsessed with them especially the fact that they are magnetic!! :)
Smiles from 2nd Grade
Just hopped over from the linky party. I love the mini erasers too. They are great to use with my kinders too!
KinderKids Fun