Summer Bucket List

I'm linking up with Teri, Hadar and April for their Summer Bucket List linky.
Around the house
A few weeks ago I did this to our home office...

My goal is to turn it into a relaxing sitting room.  It's not a large room at all.  It's actually a space that connects our kitchen to our den.  I wish I would have taken a picture of the office before I demolished it.  My husband couldn't understand why I wanted to redo the space.  I told him that the 80s called and wanted their office back and I was more than happy to oblige!!

I begin classes towards my certification in gifted and talented this summer.  My new position for next school year is teaching a multi-age classroom of 3rd and 4th grade high ability students.  The course begins next Monday.  I hope there's not too much work!!
Anyone read this book???

Doesn't sound like much does it???  I hope not because my main goal is to relax, read and enjoy life this summer!!  Can't wait to read about your summer!!

End of the Year Gifts

School ended on Thursday and I packed up my classroom on Friday.  165 boxes later and I am finished!  I swear my "stuff" multiplied over the school year!  I won't get into move to my new classroom in my new school until right before school begins.  I guess this is a good thing because it forces me to enjoy summer and focus on some things that need to get done around the house!
I thought I would share pictures of the end of the school year gifts that I gave my students (both ideas came from Pinterest).
I loved the idea of the gummy worms and thought the large paper clip book marks were adorable.  Both gifts were something fun to remind students to read over the summer.  They seemed pretty happy with them!
I thought I would leave you today with a picture of the mug I just gave may husband.  Moby truly is this man's best friend!!
He is a bit spoiled!!
I'll be back tomorrow with two new products that I've finished and my summer bucket list!  Hope you're enjoying your long weekend!

Guess what!!!!

...and I'm exhausted!!  See you tomorrow with Five for Friday!

Indiana Bloggers Blog Hop!

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and join the Indiana Bloggers Blog Hop!  Race day is a big deal here in Indiana, so to get you in the racing mood 18 Indiana bloggers have joined to giveaway lots of freebies.  A great big thank you to Brenda at Primary Inspired for coming up with the wonderful idea and for sending you to my blog!
My race day freebies to you are two math workstation games.  Race Day Roll and Cover Multiplication and Three Addend Addition are great ways for students to work on their math facts and celebrate the Indy 500 at the same time.  Click on the images below to get your free downloads!

Now race on over to Mary Beth at Run Teacher Run to get her blog hop freebie!

Five for Friday and Flash Freebie!

Another week of the 2012-2013 school year in the history books!!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.
1.  I am so excited about all my purchases during the Teacher Appreciation Sale!  Here's a quick peak at the amazing products I bought this week!

2. A few months ago I got a membership to Ipsy.  It's a monthly glam bag similar to Birchbox.  Today I received my May bag.  Here's what I got...
I love everything inside this month!!  If you'd like to look into to an Ipsy membership, click here!

3. I posted my latest product this week.  It's a Short Vowel CVC Jar for grades K-2.  The most exciting thing about this product is that the clip art was made on my iPad!!  Here's a preview...

You can take a look at my TpT store or TN store.  It's a FLASH FREEBIE in my TpT store for the next 15 minutes!!

4. How did you celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week (besides spending your paycheck at TpT or TN)?  The wonderful Parent Teacher Organization at my school did something special each day for teachers.  On Monday we welcomed the week with breakfast and today lunch was provided.  Each day teachers also found little surprises in their mailbox.  It was such a fun week!  It's always nice to feel appreciated for all we do!!

5.  I'll leave you this week with a picture of the cutest puppy ever!!  Getting a bath can wear a dog out!

*NEW* Short Vowel Jar

Just in time!  I've been working on a workstation jar since the weekend and FINALLY finished it.  So it's on sale!  My Short Vowel Jar includes 50 CVC words and picture cards.  Students can do several activities with the jar; including sorting picture cards and words into the correct jar mat, play a memory game, and write word families for the picture cards and pictures.  I'm also excited about this product because my oldest daughter and I made all the clip art!!  That's what took so long...

You can check it out at my TpT store or TN store.  
I hope you're getting lots of great items during the big sale!!  I'll be blogging tomorrow about all of my wonderful purchases!!  Have a great night!

End of the Day Jar Freebie!

I don't know about you but the end of the day is the craziest time in my classroom.  Students are going this way and that; packing up their things and cleaning up their area which turns into someone getting into trouble, lots of talking and chaos!  I've tried numerous strategies to make this an organized time of day.  Finally, I found something that worked!  We now end our day talking about our day.  I created an End of the Day Jar to help with this process.

I draw a card out of the jar and call on a student to answer the question or have them share their responses with a buddy.  This has made packing up easier because students know the sooner they pack up, the sooner we can pull a card for the jar.  If you would like to preview my End of the Day Jar or download it, it's listed for free in my TpT store and TN store.  Please leave some feedback and let me know what you think!

Tomorrow is the big day!  Happy shopping!

Teacher Appreciation Sale

Teachers Pay Teachers is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week with a big sale!  Who doesn't love a sale, especially when your wishlist is a mile long!  This Tuesday and Wednesday, May 7th and 8th you can save up to 28%.  Many teachers are participating in the sale (including me)!  If you would like a sneak peak at other bloggers who will be included in the sale, click here.
Happy shopping!!

Oh, May! How I love you!

Yippee!  It's May!  It has been a wonderful school year but all good things must come to an end.  My end is almost near!  Only 14 more school days left before summer vacation.  I've been looking forward to this Currently for nine months!!

Listening...  Our sweet puppy is spoiled!  He loves to bark to get your attention, when he doesn't get what he wants or any time he wants to exercise his vocal cords!  It can be very aggravating, but how can you get annoyed with this sweet thing??

Loving... We are on the countdown!  Only 14 school days left!  Our school gets out before Memorial Day this year.  That never happens!  However, if the next 14 days are anything like Friday, it will be the longest 14 school days of my life.  I think they finally came to the realization that the school year is almost over.

Thinking... All I can think about lately is  my new position for next school year.  I will be in a new school, teaching a new grade level (it's a 3rd/4th split).  Of course this means packing my classroom, moving my things and learning a new curriculum.  Yikes!  I need to stop thinking about it!

Wanting... New patio furniture.... need I say more??
I have neglected this area of our yard since we moved in five years ago.  We are always working on a project somewhere inside or outside our house.  It's finally time to make this patio a welcoming place to be.  I think it has potential.  Any ideas?!

Needing... I need to get organized!  This time of year seems to get so busy that I lose all control.  My goal tomorrow is to make lists.  For some reason if I write it down things become more manageable.

Summer bucket list...  See needing.  It all goes hand it hand.  I think I could be more organized if I simplified.  I have way too much junk!!

That's it for May.  Head over to visit Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade to link up to this month's Currently.

Mother's Day Freebie!

Need an idea for Mother's Day?  This year I'm having my students make their mom a foldable circle card.  I love using foldables for math, so why not incorporate them into a card.  First, students wrote and colored the circles.  They could use the provided circles or create their own.  Next, they cut  and folded the circles.  The tricky part was folding the circles just right so they would open up as the card is opened.  Finally, after gluing the circles together, adding ribbon, and a "pretty paper" front/back students have a cute card to give to their mother.

You can find the the craftivity for FREE in my TpT store or TN store.