Meet our class! I saw this idea on Pinterest. The first day of school I had students draw a self portrait. I bought a frame for our portraits at IKEA and covered the background in wrapping paper. Next I glued our portraits in place and this is what I ended up with.
One of the first week of school activities that I did with my class to build community was working puzzles. I put students in groups of four and gave them a few minutes to discuss strategies for completing the puzzle. Their goal was to be the first team to complete the puzzle. The catch was they weren't allowed to talk. It was the quietest 15 minutes I've ever had teaching! My students loved it! This idea isn't my own, I can't remember if I read about it on a blog or on Pinterest. If you're reading this and it was your idea... THANKS!
Have I told you I love my new teaching position?? I teach a 3rd/4th grade multi-age high ability class. There are three of these classes at my building and my team is wonderful. The building also houses 5th through 8th grade high ability classes. It's such a laid back but stimulating environment! All of my students are so eager to learn and question everything. I love all the personalities in my class! I have a few students that are constantly taking apart or building something. Here is what one of them did with their pencil top erasers during a social studies lesson. I'm sure this is not what his mom had in mind when she purchased the erasers!
My weekends have been busy with my daughters' activities. Payton's soccer team recently won a soccer tournament. My entire Labor Day weekend will be spent watching soccer.
Avery had her first half time performance with the band and her dance team. Here she is pre-game with a good friend.